Monday, March 22, 2010

Kanyon Keno Kuties met last Thursday.

Yes Kaia was happy with what she won!
Life is Good in Ransom Canyon.
Be blessed!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Pancake Breakfast at the RC Firestation

Don't forget to attend the breakfast this Saturday, March 20 at the Fire Station. Help support the volunteers that make Ransom Canyon a safe place to live. Pancakes and all the trimmings will be served. Donations welcome.

Community Day at the Ranch House

Community Day in Ransom Canyon is held each Thursday at the Ranch House. Everyone is invited to bring a lunch and enjoy the day. For more info, contact Jackie Lindsey, 829-2519.
Be blessed.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Ransom Canyon March Ladies Luncheon

Our hostess, Eva Smith. Thanks Eva!

Pictured are some of the beautiful ladies that attended the March luncheon today at the Chaney Barn. Hostess was Eva Smith. The food was delicious, the decorations were awesome, and the fellowship was fun, as usual.

All ladies are invited to attend the April luncheon which will be held in the home of Carolyn Tisdel.

Life is Good in Ransom Canyon.

Be blessed.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Town of Ransom Canyon

The official webpage for the Town of Ransom Canyon.
Check it out. It gives you more information about the city and why it's such a great place to live.

Little Chapel of Brookhollow

Little Chapel in the Wildwoods of Ransom Canyon.
Church services are held each Sunday morning. Everyone is welcome to attend.
For more information visit the chapel's website.

Need more information about Ransom Canyon? Check out the following RC Property Owners Association web page.
Another reason why Life is Good in Ransom Canyon.
Be blessed!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Pictured are a few of the lovely women that attended last month's Ladies Luncheon at Joy Fulton's. Thanks Joy!
Next Tuesday is the date for the March luncheon to be held in the home of Eva Smith. All ladies in the canyon and their friends are invited to bring a dish and enjoy the fun & fellowship each month. Contact Jane Shipley, (829-2187) for more information.
Just another reason why Life is Good in Ransom Canyon.
Be blessed,
Gay Snider

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Ransom Canyon Fellowship Church

Wow! The Ransom Canyon Fellowship Church building is close to being finished. Members and friends have worked tirelessly the last few months to complete it and make dreams of having their own place to worship a reality. Please go by and visit and look around. Everyone is welcome. It's located close to the front entrance of Ransom Canyon.

Life is Good

Be blessed,

Gay Snider

Kanyon Keno Kuties

Take a look at these Kanyon Keno Kuties. They are Kuties!
I'm looking forward to another afternoon of fun & fellowship. Just another one of the Life is Good moments in Ransom Canyon.
Be blessed,
Gay Snider

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Live in Ransom Canyon

"I love it here," is the comment I heard most often when I asked someone how they liked living in Ransom Canyon. After living here a little over three years, I realize why everyone loves it. The people are friendly and the scenery is beautiful. It's my desire with this blog spot to share a little information about the canyon and why it's such a great place to live.
Life is Good in Ransom Canyon
Be blessed,
Gay Snider